Welcome! I’m a PhD candidate at the Institute for Political Science of the Technical University of Darmstadt, working at the intersection of Data Science and Political Science. Before that, I graduated from the University of Mannheim with a Master degree in Data Science. My work is centered around analyzing multimodal political communication, encompassing various channels such as parliamentary speeches, political advertisements, and social media.
To address significant questions in Political Science, I employ a combination of (multimodal) deep learning models and traditional methods, contributing to both substantial and methodological research. In addition, I’m passionate about teaching and imparting knowledge to others. I instruct various postgraduate courses focused on quantitative methods with a focus on Computational Social Science. Substantively, my interests primarily lie in the area of legislative debates, which I believe are critical for understanding the complexities of modern political structures. I’m part of the organizational team of the Social Science Data Lab (Mannheim Center for European Social Research (MZES)).
I’m happy to connect with you either via Twitter or by email.
PhD Candidate, Ongoing
Technical University of Darmstadt
M.Sc. in Data Science, 2022
University of Mannheim
B.Sc. in Business Information Systems, 2019
University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe
09/2024 — We’re presenting our paper Structuring Quantitative Image Analysis with Object Prominence (w/ Christian Arnold) at the 120th APSA in Philadelphia (September 5-8).
08/2024 — Our project with Christian Arnold and Christian Stecker has been accepted by the German Research Foundation (DFG)! For the next three years, we’re studying non-verbal political communication, using aligned multimodal speech data (text/audio/video) to explore MPs’ communication in legislative debates beyond words alone.
07/2024 — I am presenting our paper Structuring Quantitative Image Analysis with Object Prominence (w/ Christian Arnold) at the 14th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association in Cologne (July 4-6).
06/2024 — I am attending the Video Research Institute at Purdue University (June 24-29) (hosted by Bryce Dietrich).
05/2024 — Find the preprint of our working paper How Alignment Helps Make the Most of Multimodal Data (w/ Christian Arnold) on arXiv.
05/2024 — On May 8th at 3pm CET, I’m presenting our paper on How Alignment Helps Make the Most of Multimodal Data (w/ Christian Arnold) at the Text-as-Data Reading Group Spring 2024 Speaker Series.
05/2024 — Christian Arnold and I have a new working paper: Structuring Quantitative Image Analysis with Metric Depth. We’re presenting it at the upcoming 6th Annual COMPTEXT Conference (May 2-4, 2024) in Amsterdam.
02/2024 — My paper, Non-random Tweet Mortality and Data Access Restrictions: Compromising the Replication of Sensitive Twitter Studies has been accepted at Political Analysis.