Latest News

02/2025 — Our paper (w/ Elias Koch), The Politics of Seeking and Avoiding Discourse in Parliament has been accepted at the European Journal of Political Research.

12/2024 — Kick-off for our DFG project! With multimodal machine learning, we (w/ Christian Arnold and Christian Stecker) study 15,000h of German parliamentary speeches. Stay tuned for how MPs handle populism, how facial expressions send coalition signals and dynamics of salience.

10/2024 — My six-month research stay at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) (Data and Methods Unit) started. I presented our project on object prominence for image-as-data (w/ Christian Arnold), and I’ll co-teach a course on Machine Learning for Social Scientists for PhD Students.

09/2024 — Find the preprint of our working paper Structuring Quantitative Image Analysis with Object Prominence (w/ Christian Arnold) on arXiv.

09/2024 — We’re presenting our paper Structuring Quantitative Image Analysis with Object Prominence (w/ Christian Arnold) at the 120th APSA in Philadelphia (September 5-8).


Working Papers

Structuring Quantitative Image Analysis with Metric Depth
Alignment Helps Make the Most of Multimodal Data (Revise & Resubmit)
What we can and cannot learn from responses to legislative speeches. Evidence from the German Bundestag, 1949-2021 (Under Review)
The housing crisis on social media: Housing markets and the subnational diversification of policy supply


  • Fall 2024: Machine Learning for Social Scientists (PhD graduate school course, MZES Uni Mannheim (with Ruben Bach))
  • Spring 2024: Analysis and Comparison of Political Systems (Undergraduate proseminar, Technical University of Darmstadt)
  • Spring 2023: Quantitative Text Analysis in R (Postgraduate seminar, Technical University of Darmstadt)
  • Fall 2022 & Fall 2023: Introduction to Quantitative Methods in R (Postgraduate seminar, Technical University of Darmstadt)
  • Spring 2017: IT Security and Operating Systems (Undergraduate tutorial, University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe)
  • Fall 2016: Programming II (Undergraduate tutorial, University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe)
  • Spring 2016: Introduction to Business Informatics (Undergraduate tutorial, University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe)



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